asked questions


How many executive coaching sessions will I need?

As with all things coaching, it’s for you to decide how many executive coaching sessions you commit to. So that executive coaching experiences are as productive as possible, I typically suggest that clients make an 8-session commitment, although you may choose to commit to more or less sessions depending on the goals or changes you are working towards.

What will you do for me as my executive coach?

During your sessions, I will listen, ask questions, acknowledge your greatness, challenge your assumptions, brainstorm ideas with you and share insights and perspectives. I may recommend reading material or exercises from time to time to support you to achieve your goals. Please feel free to let me know how you’d like to be coached. Don’t hesitate to ask for what you need and try to be as honest as possible during your sessions so that you really make the most of them.

What are your executive coaching qualifications and experience?

I am a member of the International Coaching Federation and I am a credentialed Professional Certified Coach (PCC). I have over 2000 hours of executive coaching experience and a background in executive leadership, training coaches, facilitation and organisational development.

What don’t you do as an executive coach?

It's important to note that our executive coaching relationship is not to be construed as advice, consulting, or psychological counselling. It’s good to remember that executive coaching emphasises that you are responsible for making your own choices and for creating your own results.

What is your privacy policy?

Our executive coaching relationship is entirely confidential, unless you disclose that you intend to harm yourself or others. I recognise that you may at times discuss future plans, personal, financial and organisational information to me. I’ll never share this information with a third party without your permission unless a breach of law requires this, nor will I use it for my own benefit. In an organisational executive coaching context, I have experience of simultaneously coaching multiple employees from all levels of an organisation and maintaining the trust and confidentiality of all parties in the process. I’ll encourage you to talk with your line manager about your sessions and to share any new awareness or progress with them. My client list is confidential and people will only know you're working with me if you have chosen to tell them.

How do we set and review my executive coaching goals?

To commence your executive coaching program, I’ll facilitate an initial goal-setting session with you and the person you report to. During this session, the three of us will identify what you most want to achieve and what success might look like in each of these areas. You, your line manager and I will later review these goals after your 8 executive coaching sessions have been completed.

How do I prepare for an executive coaching session?

When we meet, we’ll get straight down to business as our time is short! If you prepare for your executive coaching sessions, you’ll get so much more value them. I’ll share some optional pre-session questions with you to help you prepare for your session 48 hours beforehand. At the start of each session, I’ll always ask you to let me know what outcome you’d like from our conversation that day – so please come prepared to share this.

Will you gather feedback from my colleagues?

To kick off your executive coaching program, you may choose to participate in an optional confidential process to gather feedback from 4 or 5 colleagues of your choice, gaining insights into your strengths, blind spots and opportunities for growth form colleagues whose opinions you respect and trust. This process will only happen if you and your line manager have requested it. ‍ If you do choose to go ahead with the 360 process, I’d interview each of your selected colleagues, asking them what they think you should continue doing, do more of and do less of to truly excel in your role. I’d analyse and document the common themes emerging from their feedback into a confidential and de-identified report for you to explore in your coaching sessions.

What’s your cancellation policy?

Time is a precious resource for us all, so please give me at least 24 hours notice if you need to cancel your appointment to avoid the full session fee being applied.

Where will my executive coaching sessions be held?

Executive coaching sessions will typically be held via Zoom. I encourage you to find a quiet, confidential and comfortable space to use for your sessions.

What if I want to give you feedback as my executive coach?

I encourage regular feedback from you so that I know what's working and what we might need to change. Honesty and trust will be critical to the success of our executive coaching relationship, so please feel free to let me know how we might modify your program to meet your needs.